Wrestling Information (New athletes and Fall athletes)
For your student to participate in Wrestling, you will need to do the following:
- Have a current TSSAA medical physical. (can be found on TSSAA or school website)
- Go to the school website and click on athletics.
- Then you will need to click on Final Forms.
- When Final Forms opens up, you will need to fill out all of the information/paperwork EXCEPT FOR THE PHYSICAL. The Athletic Director will upload the physical for you. If you have any questions please email the Athletic Director ([email protected]).
- Make sure that your student signs any documents that need to.
Again, this must be done before your student can participate in Wrestling.
Wrestling practice will begin Wednesday October 18th after school at 2:30 till 4:30. Wrestling shoes, shorts, T shirts and headgear are required for practice.
Student athletes are to be picked up no later than 5:00pm, on the side of the building by the Wrestling Room. The Wrestling Room is located on the back side of the building, after you turn right out of the car line. Please leave the inside lane open for through traffic.
A Parent meeting will take place the following week. More information on that will be sent home with your Wrestler.
Thank you,
Coach Cooper
East Hamilton Middle School Wrestling Gear store information.
There are four things marked as “required” in the store. Each wrestler is required to have these items. Please feel free to order any other items for your wrestler or your family. The store will only be open until October 25th, so please order ASAP.
Sales Code: EHMSWREST23
I look forward to the season and the opportunity to coach your wrestler!!!
Coach Cooper
Calendar Coaches