Hannah Spaulding
Hello! My name is Mrs. Spaulding, and I am so happy to have you in my class. This is my 8th year teaching 7th grade language arts here at East Hamilton, and I look forward to another awesome year of learning and growing with you!
Please login to CANVAS (using your school Google account) in order to keep up with all classwork and other important information! CANVAS will be our class homepage that we use on a daily basis. If you need to finish work OR are absent, this is where you will go.
CANVAS LINK (also available on the ClassLink Dashboard): https://hcde.instructure.com
Classroom Supplies Needed:
2" 3-Ring Binder
8-Tab Subject Dividers
Lined Paper
Pencil Sharpener
Cap Erasers
Contact Email: Spaulding[email protected]