
Hamilton County Department of Education offers a full continuum of services for comprehensive academic instruction for deaf and hearing-impaired students ages 3 through 21. These students may participate within the core curriculum gaining access to instruction by using assistive hearing technology and/or sign language interpreters depending on their communication needs as determined by their IEP. Students needing additional academic support may receive services from an itinerant teacher of the deaf/hearing-impaired, or participate in a centrally located resource class for core academic subjects taught by a teacher trained in the language development and learning processes of deaf/hearing-impaired students. Deaf/Hearing-Impaired students with significant cognitive impairments may attend a self-contained class for students with Intellectual Disability with additional support from a teacher of the deaf/hard-of-hearing and/or a sign language interpreter.

For more information and scheduling contact:
Audiology Dept.
4626 Oakwood Drive
Chattanooga, TN 37416
Phone:  423.498.7011

Frequently Asked Questions

I recently moved to Hamilton County. Where do I register my child who is deaf or hard of hearing for school? 

Register at you home zoned school.

All students must initially register in his/her home zone school; however, as soon as you reside in Hamilton County, you should contact the Exceptional Education Office at (423) 498-7113 to notify the deaf education department of your child's arrival.